#502 1-6-3 nihonbashi kayabacho,
chuo-ku, tokyo 103-0025

+ 81 3 6264 9980


Re: play 1972/2015 ‒ Restaging “Expression in Film ’72”
Re: play 1972/2015―「映像表現 '72」展、再演

The exhibition entitled “Expression in Film ’72” held at the former Kyoto City Museum (currently the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art) in 1972 was one of the world’s most pioneering and groundbreaking exhibitions which brought together many film/video works by various artists. This exhibition we designed in Tokyo in 2015 was not a nostalgic “reproduction” of the past exhibition, but “saien”, or an act of restaging a show, as well as “saisei,” or a replay of a show.  For this “restage/replay” we used archival photographs, catalogues, exhibition reviews, memories of the exhibiting artists, and other information to determine as accurately as possible all elements of the venue including the floor area of the venue, types and positions of equipment among others first, and the original 1972 venue was nested in the 2015 venue at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. Drawings of the venues, catalogues, exhibition reviews, interviews with the artists, production notes, and other archival materials were displayed on the outer walls of the nested structure which had not existed in the original exhibition. In addition, we measured and documented the venue in detail so that the data can be used for the next “restage/replay” of this exhibition in the future. This show was an archival exhibition and an archive of the exhibition at the same time.

1972 年、京都市美術館で開催された「映像表現 ’72」展は、美術家による複数の映像作品を一堂に展示した、世界的に見ても先駆的かつ画期的な展覧会だった。これを2015年の東京で、過去の展覧会を懐古的に「再現」するのではなく、「再び舞台にのせる」こと、つまり「再演(replay)」し、「再生(replay)」した展覧会。この「再演」にあたっては、当時の記録写真やカタログ、展評、出品作家の記憶などから会場面積や機材の種類、配置など、あらゆる要素をできる限り正確に割り出したうえで、2015年の東京国立近代美術館の会場に1972 年の会場を入れ子状に収め、当時は存在しなかった壁の裏側となる外周部に、これらの会場図面、カタログ、展評、作家インタビュー、制作メモなどのアーカイブを展示した。そして再びこの展覧会自体が再演されるときのために、会場を詳細に実測し、記録した。これはアーカイブの展覧会であり、展覧会のアーカイブでもある。 

  • Date

  • Usage

  • Location

    The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
  • Client

    The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
  • Total floor area

  • Detail design period

  • Collaboration

    • Graphic design

      Daishiro Mori
    • Construction

  • Publication and Link


CoverShoji Matsumoto
  • 1–10,16,18,20,22Keizo Kioku
  • 11–13,17,19,21,23Shoji Matsumoto
  • 14,15,24,25Tezzo Nishizawa Architects